🍲 Instant Pot Corned Beef & Cabbage: A Culinary Delight! 🍀 (2024)

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Unraveling the Mystery: What is Corned Beef? 🥩

Corned beef, a culinary delight that has graced tables for centuries, often evokes memories of festive St. Patrick's Day feasts or a classic Reuben sandwich. But what exactly is corned beef? 🤔
Corned beef is essentially beef that has undergone a curing process using large grains of rock salt, also known as "corns" of salt. This is where the term "corned" originates, dispelling any myths that it has anything to do with the vegetable, corn. The curing process not only imparts a distinctive pinkish hue to the meat but also ensures its preservation and enhances its flavor.
While various cuts of beef can be used for making corned beef, the brisket is a popular choice. The brisket, located in the lower chest of the animal, is favored for its tenderness and marbling. Some aficionados might even be fortunate enough to get a brisket with a generous fat cap on top, ensuring the meat remains succulent during cooking.
Another intriguing aspect of corned beef is its global variations. For instance, in the UK, corned beef often refers to a type of minced beef and gelatin that comes in cans. In contrast, in the US, it's typically associated with the cured brisket cut.
The seasoning used in corned beef can vary, but traditional recipes often include ingredients like garlic, bay leaves, and peppercorns. Some packaged corned beef might even come with a seasoning packet, making the cooking process even more straightforward.
Corned beef's rich history is intertwined with various cultures. It was a staple for soldiers during World War II due to its long shelf life. Moreover, while corned beef and cabbage is considered an Irish-American dish, it's not as commonly consumed in Ireland as many believe.

Corned beef and cabbage is by far one of my favorite meals ever, and this tutorial showing How to Cook Instant Pot Corned Beef and Cabbage is so easy, it will knock your socks off!
🍲 Instant Pot Corned Beef & Cabbage: A Culinary Delight! 🍀 (1)🍲 Instant Pot Corned Beef & Cabbage: A Culinary Delight! 🍀 (2)

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When I first got my Instant Pot, I immediately knew that I wanted to make corned beef and cabbage in it. It's one of my favorite meals, and for some reason, I've never, ever tried making it at home. This past weekend, we went to Louisville for a concert, and had lunch at an Irish pub, Patrick Oshea's. As soon as I saw corned beef brisket on the menu, I had to have it! It was sooo delicious! So, yesterday, I hit the grocery store and bought the ingredients to make it in my Instant Pot. You guys!!! It turned out so perfect! Like, mouthwatering, I couldn't stop eating it, PERFECT!

🍲 Instant Pot Corned Beef & Cabbage: A Culinary Delight! 🍀 (3)

I put together a quick video showing just how easy it is to make my corned beef and cabbage in the Instant Pot...I switched it up and put the cabbage in with the corned beef for this video. I have to say, I prefer the cabbage when made after the corned beef though.


🍲 Instant Pot Corned Beef & Cabbage: A Culinary Delight! 🍀 (4)

Wie man Corned Beef und Kraut im Instant Pot zubereitet



  • 3-4 lb. Corned Beef Brisket mit Gewürzpaket
  • 1 kleiner Kohlkopf, in 6 Stücke geschnitten
  • 1 kleine Zwiebel
  • 6 Knoblauchzehen
  • 3-4 große Karotten
  • 6 mittelgroße rote Kartoffeln
  • 4 Tassen Rinderbrühe
  • Instant Pot oder anderer Schnellkochtopf


  1. Den Dämpfeinsatz in den Instant Pot setzen. 4 Tassen Rinderbrühe zusammen mit den Zwiebeln und dem Knoblauch in den IP geben. Gewürze oder Gewürzpaket einrühren. Das Corned Beef Brisket in den Dämpfkorb legen. Setzen Sie den Deckel auf den IP und verriegeln Sie ihn. Stellen Sie den Schnellkochtopf manuell auf 90 Minuten Garzeit ein. Sobald der Schnellkochtopf fertig gekocht ist, lassen Sie ihn 10 Minuten lang auf natürliche Weise abkühlen, dann lassen Sie den restlichen Dampf manuell ab. Nehmen Sie den Deckel vom Körper weg, damit der restliche Dampf entweichen kann. Die Corned Beef Brisket herausnehmen und beiseite stellen.
  2. Um das Gemüse zu garen, geben Sie es in den Dämpfeinsatz. Auf der Stufe "Suppe" 10 Minuten garen. Sobald das Gemüse gar ist, das Corned Beef in Scheiben schneiden und alles zusammen servieren.

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If you are interested in purchasing an Instant Pot, you can find it HERE.

🍲 Instant Pot Corned Beef & Cabbage: A Culinary Delight! 🍀 (5)

Start by adding 4 cups of beef broth to your pressure cooker.

🍲 Instant Pot Corned Beef & Cabbage: A Culinary Delight! 🍀 (6)

Next, add your onion and garlic.

🍲 Instant Pot Corned Beef & Cabbage: A Culinary Delight! 🍀 (7)

Now, add the steamer basket. If your pressure cooker didn't come with one, you can skip this part or find one HERE. Time to add your corned beef and spice packet that comes with it! Once your corned beef is in, close and lock the lid of your pressure cooker. Press the Manual button, and set the time for 90 minutes. Be sure your vent is on Seal. Step back and let your pressure cooker do it's thing!

🍲 Instant Pot Corned Beef & Cabbage: A Culinary Delight! 🍀 (8)

Once the cooking is finished, allow it to natural release (or basically just leave it alone) for 10 minutes. Once 10 minutes is up, carefully turn the steam release valve to Venting to activate the quick release. ***Do not stand above the vent while doing this, so the steam doesn't touch you. I typically wear an oven mitt for this step.***

🍲 Instant Pot Corned Beef & Cabbage: A Culinary Delight! 🍀 (9)

Now, pull your cooked corned beef brisket out of the instant pot and cover it with foil.

🍲 Instant Pot Corned Beef & Cabbage: A Culinary Delight! 🍀 (10)

Now, time to cook the vegetables! Add in your cabbage, potatoes and carrots. Replace the lid and lock it. Press the soup option and set the cook timer for 10 minutes. Once it finishes cooking, turn the steam release valve to Venting to quick release the steam.

🍲 Instant Pot Corned Beef & Cabbage: A Culinary Delight! 🍀 (11)

Once the steam has released, pull your veggies out and place them in a dish. Slice your corned beef and place it on top. To finish it off, spoon some of the liquid from the pressure cooker over the corned beef and vegetables...it's full of flavor!

🍲 Instant Pot Corned Beef & Cabbage: A Culinary Delight! 🍀 (12)

Your corned beef and cabbage is ready to serve and eat! It's so easy to make this meal, and I can't wait to serve it up to some friends in a couple of weeks on St. Patrick's Day! The great thing is that I won't have to wait until March to enjoy this tasty meal now...I can make it any time I want!

Figuring out how long to cook different foods in your air fryer can be a bit confusing since they typically cook at different temperatures and different times, You can Check out our Printable Air Fryer Cooking Chart.

Love this easy Instant Pot recipe? Be sure to print out my free Printable Pressure Cooker Times Chart and check out all of my Instant Pot recipes below!


🍲 Instant Pot Corned Beef & Cabbage: A Culinary Delight! 🍀 (13)

Looking for a chart to help you with cook times, liquid measurements and whether you need to use natural pressure release or manual release? You can download myInstant Pot Pressure Cooking Times Chart HERE…it’s totally free, and you can print it or download it to your computer or phone to use later!


I’ve put all of my Instant Pot recipes in one place so you can access them all easily!Click HERE to see all of my easy and delicious pressure cooker recipes!

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🍲 Instant Pot Corned Beef & Cabbage: A Culinary Delight! 🍀 (2024)


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Name: Kieth Sipes

Birthday: 2001-04-14

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Introduction: My name is Kieth Sipes, I am a zany, rich, courageous, powerful, faithful, jolly, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.