Wichita Falls Times from Wichita Falls, Texas (2024)

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Wichita Falls, Texas

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PACK THE PARK AND SWELL THE WEDNESDAY WEATHER FORECAST HOME EDITION WlohlU Mia and vicinity: Tuesday cloudy Mr tonight FOURTEEN PAGES VOLUME XXIII NUMBER 328 WICHITA FALLS TEXAS MONDAY APRIL 7 1930 NO MORE PRICE PAY MM 1 Ml UJ Men exas-Oklahoma Gather Conference Here PAMPA BOOZE CHARGE AGAINST MISS BEULAH ALLRED DROPPED WELL BLOWS IN ON SHAWNEE HIGHWAY BLOCKING TRAFFIC MARY SUDIK FINALLY TAMED Relatives of Brigands Held As Hostages by Troops FOUR ASSOCIATES OF BRISTOW ARE RELEASED Soldiers Halt Chase After Kidnapers Threaten to Kill Victim FORMER WICHITAN ENDS LIFE AFTER SHOOTING WIFE TO DEATH FOURTH OKLAHOMA CITY April 7UP) drama of struggle agalnat nature In tha South City field moved to another atag today whan another large gusher cams In and flowed out of control Tha No I Pracura well of Indian Territory Mumlnating OH and Oaa company blew In at I a today A huge head of oil rose over tha derrick With a roar tha second head wu born higher and tha gas flow wu eat mated at 100000400 cubic fart Tha Pracura well la thru and one-half miles north of tha Mary Sudlk well which waa tamed tort night after blowing wild days Check on tha wall had not been made an hour after it cams In but veteran oil seouta uld tha gu flow of tha wall probably would equal that of tha famous Mary Sudlk fiuahar A trace of oil wu seen In ha pure white stream of gu mist that roared Into tho dear morning iky Located on Highway Th well to touted on tho Shaw-j nee-Oktohoma City highway Buaes (tie wu detoured and all motor tra Presence of motor can wu conald-erad too great a hazard to thseas- Ily Inflammable dry It wu believed tha gaucr might (Turn to Page Column 6) Guinn Williams of Decatur representative from the 13th Texes congressional district sines 1922 formally announced Monday that he will ba a candidate for re-election subject to tha Democratic primary in July Friends or tha present congressman had regarded It foregone that ha would again ba a candidate although th making of the formal announcement wu somewhat belated Mr Williams wu a successful business man before hla election to congress Twelve counties era Included In tha district as follow: Archer Baylor Clay Cooke Denton Jack Montague Throckmorton Wichita Wilbarger Wise fend Young WILLIAM FOX SELLS C0NTR0UNG INTEREST IN FILM ENTERPRISE NEW YORK April 7 (UP)-Tbe long-standing battle over tha control of the $16400400 Fox FUmand Theater Enterprises hu been settled Samuel Untermyer attorney for William Fex announced last night that tha film magneto had sold hla eontrollng Interest In tha companies to a syndicate thereby ending the legal controversy which hu bran going on In th atat and supreme court for several months DR BROOKS DENIES RUMOR OF RESIGNATION WACO Texas April 7 Dr Brook presldant of Baylor university today had silenced a rumor In Fort Worth that he had tendered hla resignation to ba announced In June and that ha had don so to run for governor In a statement yesterday he drolared have never heard of It la absolutely unfounded Tha report Tha man WILL INVESTIGATE AUSTIN April 7 IT -Claims of Ed Crane of Dallas member of the University of Texas land leasing board that oil companies have combined to boycott sal of oil and ga lac in West Texas state land will investigated by tha attorney department Governor Moody said had referred to Attorney General Bobbitt tha latter of Crane complaining that tha companies bad agreed not to bid so long sa tha state Insisted on reserving more than one-eighth royalty Tha beard had fixed a minimum royalty of oee-stxth of the production on land regarded a proven territory Wichita Falla seemed in fair way rid orda when the mercury roaa to the 98-degraa maik at 1 Monday Tha figure waa four degrees higher than tha maximum for Sunday and It represented rise of 39 degrees sires shortly before dawn Monday The mlnlr for tha period which began Sunday waa 89 degrees Tha highest temperature recorded here during April 1929 was 98 degrees on April 10 ace Information given at the tiva weather bureau main tha Texas Elec trio paay Tha bureau was established In 1928 NEGROES FIGHT FOR RIGHT TO VOTE FOR AL SMITH MUSKOGEE Okla April 7 (UP) than 1400 negroes of Wagoner county war (till battling today to vote for A1 Smith for president Taking of testimony of tha negroes for presentation to Judge Williams her on application for a mandamus to regtstsr waa under way before Charles Thomas apodal stenographer appointed by Williams Tha mandamus action brought before tha 198S national election and la still In progress Tha negroes are trying for a chance to east their ballots In that election according to by Service corn- A Sanders of Oklahoma City in Principal Talk Of Morning JOHN B0SWEI1 WELCOMES VISITORS AT CONFERENCE Burton Stayton Traces De velopment of Local Credit Bureaus A Sandora fonaral manager of tha Oklahoma Ratal Merchant aaaodaUon af tor arriving bara Monday morning by plana adr dressed rapraaentatlvaa of Nortb-wert Texaa and Bouthwcat Oklahoma cradlt organisation during tha morning aaaalon of tha ona-day eonfaranca which opened in tha Kemp hotel at o'clock After an addnaa of wuteomo by John Boa we 11 managar of tha chamber of commarca and an ex- plana tion of tha development of tha local credit organisation dux'- ing tha paat SO yaara made by Burton stayton of tha Fraaar Fumt-tura company Mr Bandars apoka on Otadlia and You" i Mora than 80 dslegatsa wen in attendanea at tha opening of tha session EL Buelow president of the Wichita Falla Credit Oran tors association presided during the conference John Phillips of Fort Worth credit manager of tha Fair In that (Turn to Page 13 Column I) A CHILD INJURED IN LEAP FROM MOVING TRUCK SUNDAY 2 PM Joaeph Craddock Eyearrtd con of Mr and Mrs Craddock of A 1 In thaHargrava-Walker hospital suffering from a fractured skull received Sunday afternoon at 3 when ha leaped from a moving truck in which ha was rid- tha child naarad his home in A ha Jumped from tha truck and aa ha fen his head truck tha ground hla father stated Monday morning Tha child was brought to tha hospital ban and was reported to hure bean resting wall Monday morning according to hospital attendant Burned to Death GREENVILLE Tanas April Harbuck 78' was burned to death at her home hen today when her clothes caught fin from a blaia under a wash pot Her husband heard her screams and ran to her aid but the flames had burned off bar garments and ha had collapsed baton ha could reach her fcanrtiM in awne ba) Monday's five beet radio features AH time central standard Wichita Falla time WJZ NBC Network 8:10 pi Bow and hla gang WABC CBS Network 7:30 Oco couriers WEAF NBC Network 8:30 Motors hour WABC CBS Network 10:00 --Tha Columbians District Attorney Orders Famous Rum Case Dismissed WOMAN DECLARES SHE HAS HARD FIGHT AHEAD Refused to Make Bond Dur-j ing Incarceration at Pampa PAMPA Texas April 7 middle-aged spinster marched out of tha county Jail her today prim and precis on tha day aha entered a call nearly two weeks ago and prepared to wage anew her war on rum" Ckargaa of transportation of liquor against Mira Beulah Allred were dismissed on recommendation of District Attorney Clifford Braly and aha wu Immediately released 8b wu Incarcerated after flaunting a botUe of liquor on Pun-pa's main street an eumpla of alleged thriving of vice and stubbornly refused to accept bond Iron bara were a part of nor martyrdom to th cause of tempera noe ha said Braly refused to give specific reasons for hla recommendation of dismissal of charges He did say however that while the cue wu technically well founded the spirit of Mias Allred'a intentions wu probably not to violate the prohibition laws Ha also hinted at the probability of follura to get Jury conviction On quitting the cell aha had transformed Into a combination boudoir study Miaa Allred announced her Intention of reviving her drive gainst alleged crime with greater gusto than ever jail haa shown me I won't get any cooperation from authorities and it just means 111 have to fight tha harder" aha declared a NEGRO AUTO WASHER BEATS UP BLACK ACTOR LOS ANGELES Calif April 7 Simon Johnson negro auto wuher today faced charges of assault with deadly weapon tha result of a thrashing ha administered to Fachlt" negro actor Johnson ia charged with chasing tha movta actor into chicken coop wham tha famous big feat became tangled In the rhlcken wire Johnson then but him with a stick police uld Ferhlt whose real name la Lincoln Parry waa released only after police answered a riot call Amarillo Bankers DALLAS April 7 A delegation of bankers from Amarillo conferred here today with directors of the Dallas Federal Reesrva bank regarding the eateblishln of branch bank In that city The meeting wu executive and no statement had been made thla afternoon by those attending the conference Wsa'lnr ials In WteMta FsEs an vt-dally tor lbs period btstssliic I a sadiy and tndln 1pm Moods? Tea-torsiun: MasUaum derws stlnlsism at 1 si Monday floor No pro-elptta'ton Wort wind avtrapo nlocKy msxiaiHia amw por sour Borondtr SP14 (Aa reported by tho United autos Csaptnilve Weather hum astrstrd bp UM Trass Clortrte amiss eonponji WCIT TEXAS: Centrally frtr toolcrii Tuesday tsfraaidng shwdlssss EAST TEXAS: Generally tslr tenlfdl and Tuesday Uht sudoral variable Mads UM flMlL OKLAHOMA? FUr lontt Tuesday la-ersaala slsudlasss TREK 20 MILES TO TAKE BATHS WHITEWATER Kan April 7 Tha Saturday night bath la no Joke to citiiena of thla unusually arid town With two snowa lut January tha only precipitation In months water ia at a premium Week-end pilgrimage to Newton 10 miles distant or to Wlch-lla 20 milts away are In order There the visitors enjoy th luxury of steaming well-filled tub DALLAS Texas April 7 Death today had closed tha beetle marital career of Augustus Philip Minch aw wealthy oil operator of Dallas and formerly of Denver whose difficulties numerous times had been In tha news Yesterday ha shot to death Mrs Eugenia Mine hew hla fourth A Minchaw who ahotMa wifa to death and than committed suicide 'at hla home In Dallas Sunday waa an oil operator In Wichita Falla during part af 1919 and 1920 and wu widely known among member of tha Industry in Northwest Texaa He returned hen In 1923 and participated In th opening of tha Wllraot pool In Archer county Ha also had interests near Burkburnrtt friends said wife then killed himself In their fUhtonabto hom*o here Thalr baby daughter Nanay 11 month witnessed tha aborting the ut In tha bedroom In miniature rocking chair with her dolL Ora Robinson negro maid told officer tha Minch- had been quarreling and that aanring trouble aha took Ada Jean Mlnchew 8 and went downstairs A Justice returned an Inquest verdict of sut-elda in MincheW case and bomb elde in hie wife's Mlnchew wu manager of the Yatrs Pool Development syndicate to According Denver Mlnchew'a die patches from second wlfo ry a Smith of Denver tha former Carmen Murk waa named corespondent by the first Mrs Mlnchew after Mlnchew sued for divorce In 1921 Carmen Murkc at that time wu a atudent at the University of Denver Mrs Mlnchew No 1 charged her husband gave the girl diamonds and planned to taka her on a trip to the orient Mlnchew married Mtoa Murke th day after hi final divorce de-dura to Pag 2 Column 1) OKLAHOMA ORATORICAL CONTEST WILL BE HELD AT CAPITAL WEDNESDAY OKLAHOMA CITY April 7 (UP) Almost 100 high school orators will start competition Wednesday night at Woodward in th atete division of th national oratorical contest Tha competition wlU tost 10 day ending at Chlrkasha April IE Ponca City Tulsa Muskogee Shawnee Oklahoma City Clinton Frederick and Ardmore will be the scene of contest during th state elimination con testa Th 10 winners of th district meet win meet her April 35 for th tat final Th raven non winners will meet at Washington tha night of May 84 for th final Tha subject of the oration will bara of tha national concern soma pi constitution Speeches win ba limited to aix mlnutee In length liburton wu even more Interesting than tha promises frin-atencs: A huge five-motored SS-psMcn-ger plane to fly between Wichita Fella and Tulaa probably within tha out few weeks Tan men SS-passenger ship flying from St Louis to Loa Angalee by way of tha present route and Midland Taxaa A near Ford plana of tha type now bring usad to stationed at Wichita Falla to taka car of tha overflow Hourly service out of Wichita Falla to nearby dtles making Inter-urban air travel a reality within a abort time Permanent reduction of rates to a level within tha reach of all tha traveling public Chi Get Enough Ships have proved In the put frwi months that economics la an Im-' riant factor In aviation Mr illiburton said wa ars: turning down purangera every day I and cannot order ships fart enough i (Turn to Page 18 Column 8 1 I 1 WILL ROGERS NFWS DIGEST SANTA MONICA Calif April 9 Ruth Hanna goes to tha poet In Illinois a woman but a by training I ilka her aba la not continually yapping about woman1! angle" Women are not doing so poor In this country Wo want a woman that will help out us man wo get a man In then to do it Bha will bo tha first elected female to alt In the body" Ruth wont feel at hom*o in the aanata aba ia too Then ia 40-old ladles in then now only difference these dont knit Yours WILL (ltoKsucM antaM OKLAHOMA CITY April 7 (UP) obtained in a federal Investigation of Jamaica ginger ales hen win bo presented to tha fedaral grand Jury whan It oon-venaa Wednesday Assistant United Stales District Attorney Herbert Hyde said today Evidence will consist of chemical testa and records of purchased from drugstores during tha last three months Tha grand Jury was called by District Attorney Roy St Lewie when between 400 and 000 persona were stricken with partial paralysis which followed drinking of tha cheap Intoxicant old aa drug: Authorities said conspiracy chargee may ba filed against local drug atorea and wholesale distributing houses in St Louis and Kansas City from whom tha was purchased About $200000 in damage auita have bean filed In district court here against a druggist Hyds prepared final evidence In tha earn today In addition to these cases more than 80 other casea involving narcotic and whisky violations will ba presented to tha Jury Hyda aeld Among thoaa facing liquor charges la Tnor-oughmen former Methodlat minister and fedaral prohibition agent Ha waa arrested near Lawton recently by prohibition agents and wan accused of operating a still HOME OF ATTORNEY IS BOMBED IN CHICAGO CHICAGO April 7 Bombing of the apartment hom*o of Attorney David Alexander an assistant corporation tcounar I in tha first administration of Mayor William Hhle Thompson thraw members of tha family from thalr beds and badly damaged tha structure early today Alexander could advance no motive for tha attack CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATES IWS ARE WASHINGTON April 7 Government economists have boosted their construction estimates for 1980 by a trillion dollar Assistant Secretary of Commerce Klein speaking over tha radio last night said reports to htm Indicated $11000000000 would ba spent this year by public and private Into rests In building and maintenance Previously tha amount bad bean put at $10400400000 Tha shooting of Agllar's relatives occurred about In tha morning Ha waa captured about five hours lator after approximately BOO officers and dtlaena of Ward and surrounding cltlaa had armed themselves and Joined In the hunt Dakan had resided ia Grand Falla for about 28 years MABTINEAU HURT IN AIRPLANE ACCIDENT OKLAHOMA CITY April 7 (UP) Marti naan president of tha Oklahoma Press association waa recovering today at St hospital from a shoulder injury received when an airplane overturned In landing yesterday at Claremorr With several Oklahoma City men Martlneau had flown to Claremora to attend a military review for Gen Baird Markham None of tha other waa Injured when the plana overturned In landing on the rough ground OKLAHOMA CITY April 7 A apeelal dispatch today to tha Oklahoma City Tima from Maul-lan Mexico says that military pub-sult of the bandit captors of Bristow former Oklahoma oil man hu been suspended because of a thrut from tha brigands' strong-hoid tbat Bristow's Ufa would be taken If tbe chau continued Meanwhile it wu believed that one of tha messengers of Gordon Obla Bristow tha aon and a former University of Oklahoma football star would establish contact with Crus Delgado tha bandit chieftain within tha next few days MEXICO CITyTaptII 7 Two major developments took place over the week-end In the efforts of tha military and civil authorities to save the life of E- Bristow Texu mining man kidnaped nearly threa wsrlta ago Four associates of Bristow wen released yesterday together with a French Interpreter connected with th party of mining men who are reported to have discovered a gold min In the Nsyarlt mountains They had been held In connection with the disappearance of Bristow but were released when tha military authorities failed to prove they connived with the outlaw It waa tha reported discovery of tha gold mine that led to Bristow'a abduction but suspicions that hla companions might have arranged hla disappearance were not founded on proof Tha second development mu tha announcement In messages front Tepic Nayarit state that tha military have decided to take counter measures and hold relatives of th bandits hostaxea Tha reports uld a father of ona of the outlaws and tha wives of several others had bean taken into custody by Urn federal troops Efforts were being mads today to notify tha kidnapers their relatives were being held responsible If Bristow la harmed Also Gen Lacan commanding the federal force askad the commander of the Nayarit military district for reinforcements The outlaws have demanded 40400 pesos ransom A messaga from Mizatlan uld tbe troops were closely pursuing the brigands but theie haa been nothing more definite on details of tha chase for several days PANIfANDLE-PLAlNS DAIRY SHOW OPENS PLAIN VIEW PLAINVIEW Texas April 7 (A 1 The third annual Panhandle-Plains daily allow opened here today with 218 animal entered by 85 breedrrs Production contests with Judging by 4-H club boys and STATE TO ASK 5 Trio Face Trial at Eads on Charge of Slaying Colorado Deputy MAY JOIN FLEAGLE GANG IN PRISON DEATH HOUSE Officer Killed aa Bandits Fled After Manter Bank Holdup EADS Colo April 7 A Jury from among tha rancher of Kiowa county and tha 800 population of Ends will ba called upon here tomorrow to sand three mors bank robbers to Join tha Lamar bandit trio In the death he use of the Colorado penitentiary They at John Walker Claude Ray and Andrew Hnlliday who go to trial on tha charge of murdering Deputy Sheriff Carl A Hickman who tried to atop them whan they flad into Colorado March 14 after robbing bank at Manter Kan Each has confessed but at thalr arraignment defender waa ap-(Turn to Page 2 Column 4) FARMERS GIN BURNS AT CHARLIE EARLY MONDAY CHARLIE Taxes April Tha Parmer gin here waa wracked by flames about 2 Monday morning Damage waa estimated at $18400: Tha losa waa partially covered by Insurance Tha building was owned by Hamm of Henrietta FAIL TO SOLVE DEATH NEGRO PULLMAN FORTER LOCUST GROVE Ga April 7 Two days of Investigation by county authorities aided by railway detocUvea today had failed to Special Tha negro's body was found near tha railroad tracks here Saturday morning a heavy gash under hla arm hla neck tied to a sapling and hla knees touching tha ground Train officials said tha black who waa on tha train when It left Macon Ga waa not mlaaed until tha train reached Atlanta Day in Congress (By Volts Pnu) SENATE Da bates appropriation Mila Judiciary committee consider prohibition investigation HOUSE Take up routine calendar bill Judiciary committee resume consideration Judrs Moskowlta case Banking and currency committee continues Investigation of branch and chain banking When Wichita Falls Advertisers by nae that they prater Daily Tbnes-Record Nemn Classified Advertising la only ana possible tt FAYS them dirt-deads and profit You are assured a SATISFACTORY preaentollaa of your WANT-nr SALES when yon use this medium WICHITA DAILY TIMES and RECORD NEWS Oast Wed Section Ctoralfled Dept I'hona 4391 If you have a registered phone wa will charge tha Ad i World's Largest Land Plane to Be Used by SAFE Airline Here Ward County Mexican Slays Parents and Member of Big Posse Wounded Fugitive Finally Caught were on tha who started it hu a vtrila Imagine-1 program for the first day On lion In my judgment It wu no Thursday the final day the parada friend of mine who atarted the 'of winner and the annual Jersey story" auction sale will he held Joyriding Ambulance Driver Mows Down 28 Persons in Kansas City Safety Zone After Hitting Auto KANSAS CITY Ma April 7 other employ of the company With a shrelk of Its siren admitted today however that ha vocational student By ELEANOR FLEMING Purchase of tha world's largest land plane a M-passenger five-motored all-metal ship and astenaion of tha present 8L Louis-Sweetwater routs of tha Southwest Air Fut Express to Los Angela ware shouted to ma Sunday over tha roar of A NoTb by Eria Halliburton 8 A presldant tha probable plana for tha air Una to tha immediate future Mr Halliburton dynamic personality who hu revolutionised air travel In this section of tha country In tha past few months by his radical reduction of air rates wu to Wichita Falla for a few minute Sunday afternoon bafora tha departure of tha Sweat water plana which ha boarded an route to Los An-gclea for a abort stay on and ride down with ma and 111 paint you a picture of avia- lion In thla country In tha future" I he promised Dazedly I stepped Into I the plane his lipstick and pa 1 Jamas to maka aa overnight trip I to Sweetwater I Tha picture painted by Mr Hair MIDLAND Tana April Pedro Agilar 20 Mexican farm laborer yesterday shot and killed bis fathsr-m-law and mothei'-ia-law Mr and Mrs Matilda Gonxala at Grand Falla Ward county after luarral over domaatlo troubtaa and in an axchanga of shots with Ke man shot and killed Cicero ikan tool draaaer and was wounded himself officers hart today were informed Agilar fled after shooting hla relatives and a short time later waa delected by Dakan member of tha poeaa In aome underbrush Both fired their guns and Dakan waa i wounded fatally and tha Mexican alight ly wounded Later member of tha poasa again encountered the fugitive and exchanged shot tha Mexican receive png several flesh wounds He was arrested by Sheriff Dyer of Ward county end lodged In Jail at Baratov where a charge of murdarwaa filed against hint wu Joyriding on the way to see hla sister Putter claimed that ho wu driving only 38 miles an hour when he struck tho other motor ear driven by Benjamin Oarlock who wu attempting to turn into another street Gar lock uld th ambulance's peed wu near 90 mile an hour Muy of the injured said they did not hear th alien and wen unaware of the approach of the ambulance Potter laid he had sounded the siren continuously since leaving the garage Potter and John Galloway Ms fellow employe were held without bond while Garlork wa released after being booked on carol era driving charge a brief warning a private ambulance speeding through a busy intersection sldeswlpcd a motor ear and swerved Into a safety zone thronged with persona waiting for their homebound street ear The driver ran the entire length of the zone before coming to a atop Of the 40 persona crowding (he ona yesterday at least 28 ware injured the ambulance mowed them down Six elty ambulances removed the Injure! Only one Jsm-e Mooney Jr 12 waa dangerously wounded Poller 28 who had driven the ambulance less than a week in hi first statement to police mid that he was answering a call That statement wu corroborated by aa-.

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Author: Edwin Metz

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Name: Edwin Metz

Birthday: 1997-04-16

Address: 51593 Leanne Light, Kuphalmouth, DE 50012-5183

Phone: +639107620957

Job: Corporate Banking Technician

Hobby: Reading, scrapbook, role-playing games, Fishing, Fishing, Scuba diving, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Edwin Metz, I am a fair, energetic, helpful, brave, outstanding, nice, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.