The Best Collagen Supplements in the UK for 2024 (2024)

Collagen has become a star supplement in recent years, promising to benefit everything from your skin to your nails to your joints and beyond. But as with any popular health and wellbeing product, choosing the right one for you isn’t always easy.

Which type ofcollagen is best? What exactly do those labels mean? And how do you separatethe reputable brands from the chancers and scammers?

In this in-depthguide to the UK’s best collagen supplements, we’ll answer all those questionsand more…

What is collagen?

Collagen is themost abundant protein in your body, representing about 30% of the total proteincontent. It provides structure, strength and support all over the body, intissues and organs such as:

• Skin

• Ligaments

• Tendons

• Joints

• Bones

• Muscle

• Heart

• Blood vessels

• Eyes

• Hair

• Nails

Can I get collagen from mydiet?

Your body makes itsown collagen by combining certain amino acids — mainly glycine and proline. Youcan produce these amino acids even if you’re not getting them in your diet, butyou should still eat a plentiful supply to maximise your body’s ability toproduce the collagen it needs.

Foods and drinksthat contain collagen (or the amino acids you need to make it) include:

• Bone broth

• Gelatin

• Tough cuts of meat

• Chicken or pork skin

• Fish (especially skin and scales)

• Eggs

• Dairy

Collagen can’t beproduced without certain vitamins and minerals. For best results, make sureyour diet also features plenty of:

• Vitamin C — found in citrus fruits, bell peppersand tomatoes.

• Zinc — found in red meat, seafood, dairy, nutsand whole grains.

• Copper — organ meats, shellfish, beans, nuts andwhole grains.

Should I take a collagensupplement?

As we get older,existing collagen breaks down and the production of new collagen slows. This happens much sooner than you think! Fromas early as 20 years old, you’ll lose around 1-1.5% of your collagen everyyear.

The effect ofcollagen loss is most obvious in the skin, where it shows up as wrinkles andsagging. However, loss of collagen also affects muscle and bone strength, jointhealth and flexibility, organ function, and hair and nail quality, among otherthings.

To keep collagenlevels high, lots of people turn to supplements. They can be especially helpfulif you don’t have a lot of collagen-rich foods in your diet. In fact, someexperts believe that certain supplements may be even more effective than dietary sources.

That’s because nomatter what protein you eat — collagen or otherwise — it will be broken downinto its individual amino acids during the digestion process. Once thishappens, your body will then use the amino acids to re-build the proteins itneeds.

If a collagensupplement is hydrolysed, that means it’s alreadybeen broken down into peptides, or smaller chains of amino acids. You’re thenable to break down these peptides faster, potentially absorbing much more ofthe amino acids for collagen production.

What should I look for in acollagen supplement?

1. Collagen types

When you’reshopping for collagen supplements, you’ll notice they’re referred to by “type”— type I, type II, etc. There are about 28 types of collagen in the body, eachslightly different depending on where they’re found and what jobs they do. Thefive main types are:

Type I— found in large quantities inthe skin, bones, ligaments and tendons.

TypeII — a more elastic type IIcollagen found in flexible tissues, mainly the joints and spinal discs.

TypeIII — found mostly in the skin,muscles, internal organs, arteries and blood vessels.

TypeIV — found in the skin,kidneys, and the lens of the eye.

Type V— found in the eyes, skin andhair, as well as the placenta of pregnant women.

The best type ofcollagen for you depends on why you’re taking a collagen supplement. Forexample, if you’re looking specifically for beauty benefits, you may look for asupplement that contains type I and/or type III collagen; these are the maintypes that make up your skin and hair. For joint support, on the other hand,you might look for a supplement containing type II collagen.

2. Collagen source

Collagensupplements can also be classified by source. Here are some common sources thatyou might see on the label, what they mean, and which one may be best for you…

Marine (fish) collagen is rich in collagen types I and II (found in skin, hair and joints). So if you’re looking forboth a healthy glow and a spring inyour step, marine collagen could be the right choice for you.

Marine collagen ismore bioavailable than other types, so you absorb more. And it often comes fromwild-caught fish, so it can be more sustainable than other types of collagen.It’s also ideal for those who don’t want to use pig, cow or chicken collagen fordietary, religious or health reasons.

Bovine (cow) collagen is rich in types I and III collagen, so it’s thesupplement of choice for people who are interested mainly in skincare benefits. It also contains collagen found in hair, joints and muscles.

Porcine (pig) collagen, like bovine collagen, contains mostly types I and IIIcollagen. It has a slight edge over bovine collagen, though, because it’sconsidered closer in structure to human collagen. That means it may be betterabsorbed and tolerated.

Chicken collagen is made mostly of joint-friendly type II collagen. It alsoincludes lots of chondroitin and glucosamine, two essential nutrients forhealthy joints. For that reason, chicken collagen is a good option for thoselooking mainly for joint support.

Vegan collagen is usually made from genetically modified yeast and bacteria. Becausenatural collagen is an animal product, vegan collagen is a popular alternativefor vegans, vegetarians, and anybody else who prefers to avoid animal products.However, it’s not yet clear whether vegan collagen has the same benefits ascollagen from animal sources.

3. Supplement form

The most commonform of collagen supplement is powder, but it also comes in capsules, liquids,and even gummies.

People often enjoycollagen powder because it’s versatile and easy to take. It can be mixed intoliquids, such as water, juice, protein shakes, smoothies, yoghurt or spreads.But beware that some brands can be difficult to mix, so you may end up with a slightlylumpy or clumpy consistency.

Liquid collagen issimilarly versatile. Some liquid collagens come in a concentrate that you canmix with water or juice, while others are available ready to drink for addedconvenience.

If you’d rathertake your supplement quickly without needing to down a drink, liquids orpowders may not be the right choice for you. Also, if you want to be able totake your collagen supplements on the go, you might find them impractical.

If that’s the case,you might prefer collagen capsules. They’re pre-dosed and portable, so you canjust pop them in your bag and take them anywhere, anytime, with no preparation.However, those who don’t like swallowing pills might struggle to take enough toreach their daily dosage.

If that sounds likeyou, collagen gummies might be a good alternative. They have all the portable,pre-dosed convenience of collagen capsules, but they’re more like yourfavourite sweet than a supplement. Just be conscious that you may need to takequite a few gummies to reach your desired dose, so try to choose high-quality,low-sugar brands.

The Best Collagen Supplementsin the UK

1. TRUE MARINE Collagen

The Best Collagen Supplements in the UK for 2024 (1)

When it comes to collagen supplements, TRUE MARINEhave secured the top spot in the UK market. These exceptional capsules offer aunique blend of hydrolysed marine collagen, primarily type 1 collagen,constituting a remarkable 90% of your body's collagen content.

This potent formulation is complemented bythe inclusion of Hyaluronic Acid and Vitamin C, creating a powerhouse ofnourishment for skin, hair, nails, and joints. With each bottle containing 120easy-to-swallow capsules, providing 30 servings of 2,400mg premium marinecollagen.

Experience the TRUE MARINE difference –marine collagen has shown upto a 1.5x better absorption rate inclinical-studies compared to other collagen types like bovine, ensuring thatyou get the maximum benefit from your daily collagen regimen.

Don't compromise on your collagensupplementation, manufactured right here in the UK, TRUE MARINE adheres to thehighest quality and safety standards, including GMP, ISO 9001, and HACCPcertification. Choose TRUE MARINE Collagen and embark on the journey to ahealthier, more beautiful you.

2. Vital Proteins Collagen Peptides

Unlike the othercollagen supplements on our list, cult-favourite brand Vital Proteins doesn’tcontain any extra nutrients. However, it more than makes up for this with amega 20g of collagen, making it one of the most potent supplements we reviewed.

Vital Proteinsmixes easily into any drink, and it’s even available in travel-friendly sachetsso you can get your collagen fix on the go. It uses 100% bovine type I and typeIII collagen, sourced from grass-fed, pasture-raised cows. The result is super-clean,high-quality collagen peptides that celebs like Jennifer Aniston swear by fortheir skin, nail and hair health.

3. Revive Multi Collagen Protein Powder

Not only doesRevive pack an impressive 20g of collagen per serving, it’s the only supplementon our list to feature all five of the main collagen types. If you’re lookingto get a head-to-toe beauty and wellbeing boost, then, this great all-roundermight just be perfect for you.

For maximumbenefits, Revive takes their collagen from a diverse range of high-qualitysources, including free-range chicken, wild-caught fish, grass-fed cows and eggshell. And the collagen is hydrolysed, of course, giving you maximum absorptionand tolerability.

As a bonus, 10% ofthe profits are donated to non-profit organisations that feed and clothe someof the world’s most disadvantaged children.

4. Nutrabytes Marine Collagen Powder

Made with the same enzymatic hydrolysationprocess as their liquid collagen, Nutrabytes’ marine collagen powder packs 10gof highly bioavailable collagen into each serving. The ultra-fine powder iscompletely unflavoured and doesn’t clump like some other brands, so it can bemixed quickly and easily into your drink without a trace.

Premium Marine Collagen is made fromwild-caught fish, so you can rest assured that you’re buying a clean andsustainable product. It also contains 19 amino acids — even more than thecollagen liquid — for an extra boost to your skin, hair and nails.

5. The Pretty Smart Food Co 100% MarineCollagen HydroPro+

The Pretty SmartFood Co’s marine collagen liquid contains a relatively low dose of type Icollagen compared to the other supplements on our list. However, when it comesto added nutrients, it outshines the rest by far. In addition tocollagen-promoting copper, zinc, and vitamins C and E, you’ve got:

• Hyaluronic acid for plump, hydrated, youthfulskin.

• Silica and sea kelp for shiny hair and strongnails.

• Superfoods blueberry and açai for an antioxidantboost.

• Turmeric to fight inflammation.

• Black pepper to boost absorption.

If beauty is yourmain goal from a collagen supplement, this UK-made supplement may just be yourkey to a gorgeous glow. It also places a heavy emphasis on ethically sourced,sustainable ingredients, so you can feel as good as you look!

What are the benefits ofcollagen supplements?


Collagen provides a sturdy framework, orscaffold, for the skin, giving it shape and structure. Collagen also gives theskin elasticity and smoothness, locks in moisture, and forms a protectivebarrier against external stressors like UV radiation. When the skin starts towrinkle or sag, this is a sign that the collagen content is starting todecline.

That’s why skin health is one of the mostpopular reasons people use collagen supplements. Fans claim that collagensupplements help to keep their skin firm, smooth, hydrated and youthful — andthere’s some evidence to back this up.

A 2022 review in the Dermatology Practical & Conceptual journalconcluded that collagen supplementsimproved skin moisture, elasticity and hydration, and reduced wrinkling androughness. This echoes the findings of an earlier 2019review that foundsimilar positive results.

2. Hair

The hair follicles depend on collagen togrow and regenerate hair. Collagen also influences hair quality by providingstrength, thickness and smoothness to the hair shaft. Because of this, somecollagen supplements promise to leave you with healthier, longer and shinierhair. Is this too good to be true, though?

Maybe not! It’s worth noting that thereisn’t a great deal of research on this topic, but one study did find that women with thinninghair experienced significant improvements in hair quantity and thickness aftertaking collagen supplements.


Collagen provides the nails with certainamino acids needed for growth. It also keeps nails flexible, strong andhydrated, reducing the risk of brittleness, breakage and splitting. So doesthat mean collagen supplements can give you stronger, longer, healthier nails?

Possibly! Again, there’s limited researchon this topic. But a recent study did find that taking dailycollagen peptides increased nail growth by 12% and reduced nail breakage by42%. And if you’ve got brittle nails, you’ll be happy to hear that 88% ofpeople in the study reported improvements in brittle nails after four weeks.

4. Joints

Your joints are the places in your bodywhere two bones meet, e.g. the elbow, shoulder, spine, knee, etc. There arevarious different tissues that give support, strength and stability to thejoints:

• Cartilage — a tough, rubbery material that cushions your joints andabsorbs force.

• Synovial fluid — a lubricating fluid that reduces friction betweenbones.

• Tendons — strong, flexible cords of tissue that connect bones tomuscles.

• Ligaments — bands of tissue that connect the bones and keep them inplace.

All of these joint tissues rely heavily oncollagen for their health and function. For example, two thirds of the cartilage in your knees andother joints is made up of collagen. That’s one reason why your joints startto become stiff and achey as you get older, when your collagenlevels decline.

So can collagen supplements soothe youraching joints? While it’s too early to say whether supplemental collagen cantreat joint problems, some clinical studies suggest it may be able to supporthealthy joint function.

One study explained that supplemental collagenaccumulates in the cartilage and stimulates natural collagen production. Intheory, this may improve joint support and keep inflammation low. Another study suggested that collagen supplementationmay have a protective effect on the cartilage between the joints. And in afurther study, student athletes who took collagensupplements reported that their joints felt better than usual after exercise.

What are the potential risksof collagen supplements?

Side effects

Collagensupplements are generally safe and well-tolerated for most people. However,some people do experience mild side effects like nausea, bloating orindigestion. If you’re at all concerned, stop taking your supplement andcontact your doctor.


Collagensupplements are often made with common allergens like fish, shellfish and eggs,so be sure to check the label carefully if you have allergies. If in doubt,speak to the manufacturer for confirmation or consider an alternative collagenproduct.

Pre-existing medical conditions

If you’re pregnantor breastfeeding, or you have a medical condition, it’s a good idea to checkwith your doctor before taking a collagen supplement. This is especiallyimportant if you suffer from kidney problems or connective tissue disorders.

Product quality

As with all animalproducts, there is a risk of contamination from microbes (e.g. bacteria orfungi), heavy metals or other toxins. To be sure you’re getting a clean andsafe product, always buy your collagen supplements from a reputable brand, likethe ones on our Top 5 list.

How much collagen should Itake and when?

A 2019 review of clinical studies foundthat taking 2.5–15 grams of hydrolyzed collagen peptides each day may be safeand effective.

There’s no evidenceto suggest that collagen should be taken at a specific time of day. Take itwhenever is most convenient for you.

The bottom line…

There’s a lot ofhype around the benefits of collagen supplements, and there is some research tosuggest that they can support healthy skin, hair, nails and joints. If youstruggle to get enough collagen in your diet, they’re an especially helpful wayto quickly and easily boost your intake.

For best results,always choose a clean, responsibly sourced collagen supplement from a reputablebrand (like those on our top 5 list!), and combine it with a diet rich inessential vitamins and minerals.

The Best Collagen Supplements in the UK for 2024 (2024)


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