Korean Alphabet A to Z - How Hangeul sounds like in English (2024)

If you’re looking to learn the Korean alphabet from A to Z, then you’ve come to the right place! This article will cover all 24 letters of the alphabet and the sounds.

Here are the Hangul letters:


ㄱ ㄴ ㄷ ㄹ ㅁ ㅂ ㅅ ㅇ ㅈ ㅊ ㅋ ㅌ ㅍ ㅎ


ㅏ ㅑ ㅓ ㅕ ㅗ ㅛ ㅜ ㅠ ㅡ ㅣ

Below, we’ll teach you all the letters of the Korean alphabet, the order of the alphabet, and association.

Korean Alphabet A to Z - How Hangeul sounds like in English (1)


  • 1 Quick Summary
  • 2 Introduction to Hangul as the Korean Writing System
  • 3 Korean Consonants Chart
  • 4 Korean Vowels Chart
  • 5 Korean Alphabet Pronunciation
  • 6 What is the Korean alphabet from A to Z?
    • 6.1 Order of the Korean alphabet letters
  • 7 What to do after learning the Korean Alphabet A to Z
  • 8 Conclusion

Quick Summary

Hangul (The Korean alphabet) consists of 24 basic letters—14 consonants and 10 vowels.

✅ The order of Hangul called 가나다 순 (ganada sun) starts with consonants followed by vowels

Using associations such as ㅁ (m) – Like “m” in “mail” can help you remember the sounds easily

Free Korean Alphabet A to Z Guide

Introduction to Hangul as the Korean Writing System

Hangeul (한글 | also romanized as Hangul) is a unique and scientific alphabet. It is the official writing system used in South Korea. It was created during the reign of King Sejong the Great in the 15th century to enhance literacy among the people who thought Chinese characters difficult and inaccessible.

The Hangul alphabet has 24 basic letters, including 14 consonants and 10 vowels. These letters are combined into syllable blocks that form Korean words. A syllable block includes at least one consonant and one vowel, and it may also include the last consonant.

Korean Consonants Chart

Here is a chart of the 19 Korean consonants.

It includes audio to help with your pronunciation. It also has romanization to help with knowing the closest approximation of the sound in the English alphabet.

ConsonantAudioRomanization (initial/final)Association
ng” as in “gun”
d d/t
g g/kn” in “northeast”
kk kk/kd” in “door”
tt tt
r/ll” in “ladder”
m mm” in “mail”
b b/pb” in “bed”
pp pp
s s/ts” in “seashell”
ss ss/t
ng -/ng
j j/tj” in “jug”
jj jj
ch ch/tch” in “church”
k kk” in “key”
t tt” in “teeth”
p pp” in “pie”
h h/th” in “hat”

Korean Vowels Chart

Here is a chart of the 21 Korean vowels.

You can listen to the audio for the correct pronunciation. The romanization helps with knowing the closest approximation of the sound in the English alphabet.

a aa” as in “father”
ya yaya” as in “yacht”
ae aeae” as in “egg”
yae yaeyae” as in “yes”
eo eoeo” as in “umbrella”
e ee” as in “egg”
yeo yeoyeo” as in “yummy”
ye yeye” as in “yes”
o oo” as in “old”
wa wawa” as in “waffle”
wae waewae” as in “wedding”
oe oeoe” as in “wedding”
yo yoyo” as in “yogurt”
u uu” as in “new
wo wowo” as in “won”
we wewe” as in “wedding”
wi wiwi” as in “week”
yu yuyu” as in “unicorn”
eu eueu” as in “brook”
ui uiui” as in “gooey
i ii” as in “tree

Korean Alphabet Pronunciation

Here is the basic pronunciation of Korean alphabet letters. The Korean letters aren’t an exact 1-1 match with the English letters. We’re giving you the closest sound approximation.

For example, the ㄱ is similar to a g/k, but we’ll use “g” for simplicity.


  1. ㄱ (g) – “g” in “gun” (End of syllable: “k“)
  2. ㄴ (n) – “n” in “northeast”
  3. ㄷ (d) – “d‘ in “door” (End of syllable: “t“)
  4. ㄹ (l) – “l” in “ladder” (End of syllable: “l“)
  5. ㅁ (m) – “m” in “mail”
  6. ㅂ (b/p) – “b” in “bed” (End of syllable: “p“)
  7. ㅅ (s) – “s” in “seashell,” when followed by vowelㅣ(i), sounds like “sh.” (End of syllable: “t“)
  8. ㅇ (ng) – Silent at the beginning of a syllable (End of syllable:ng” in “sing“)
  9. ㅈ (j) – “j” in “jar” (End of syllable: “t“)
  10. ㅊ (ch) – “ch” in “church”
  11. ㅋ (k) – “k” in “key”
  12. ㅌ (t) – “t” in “teeth”
  13. ㅍ (p) – “p” in “pi (π)”
  14. ㅎ (h) – “h” in “hat”

Note that the actual pronunciation of the consonants can vary based on the position and the surrounding letters.


  1. ㅏ (a) – “a” in “father”
  2. ㅑ (ya) – “ya” in “yacht”
  3. ㅓ (eo) – “u” in “umbrella”
  4. ㅕ (yeo) – “yu” in “yummy”
  5. ㅗ (o) – “o” in “old”
  6. ㅛ (yo) – “yo” in “yogurt”
  7. ㅜ (u) – “ew” in “new
  8. ㅠ (yu) – “u” in “unicorn”
  9. ㅡ (eu) – “oo” in “brook”
  10. ㅣ (i) – “ee” in “tree

Free Korean Alphabet A to Z Guide

What is the Korean alphabet from A to Z?

The Korean alphabet has its unique sounds so they don’t exactly match the English alphabet. However, you can approximate some of the English letters using the Korean alphabet.

To learn how to pronounce the Korean alphabet, we don’t recommend relying on corresponding sounds from the English letters. Instead, use the associations, such as “mail for ㅁ”.

You can use the English letters as a rough guide, but they shouldn’t be your go-to source for pronunciation.

The Korean alphabet from A to Z is:

A in Korean
B in Korean
C in Korean
D in Koreanㄷ, ㄸ
E in Koreanㅔ,ㅐ
F in Korean
G in Korean
H in Korean
I in Korean
J in Korean
K in Koreanㄱ, ㅋ
L in Korean
M in Korean
N in Korean
O in Koreanㅗ, ㅓ
P in Koreanㅂ, ㅍ
Q in Korean
R in Korean
S in Korean
T in Korean
U in Korean
V in Korean
W in Koreanㅝ, ㅟ
X in Korean
Y in Korean예, 얘
Z in Korean

Order of the Korean alphabet letters

The order of Hangeul (Korean alphabet) is called 가나다 순 (ganada sun). 가나다 is equivalent to “ABC” in English. 가나다 is made of the first three consonants, ㄱ, ㄴ, ㄷ, combined with the first vowel in order, ㅏ.

The Korean alphabetical order separates the consonants and vowels. The consonant letters come first, then the vowel letters.

Here is the order of the basic consonants:

ㄱ ㄴ ㄷ ㄹ ㅁ ㅂ ㅅ ㅇ ㅈ ㅊ ㅋ ㅌ ㅍ ㅎ

Here is the order of the basic vowels:

ㅏ ㅑ ㅓ ㅕ ㅗ ㅛ ㅜ ㅠ ㅡ ㅣ

The Korean alphabet also has double consonants, which are a combination of two basic consonants. There are also vowel combinations, which are made up of two basic vowels. These letters make different sounds that basic letters don’t.

Here are the double consonants in order:

ㄲ ㄸ ㅃ ㅆ ㅉ

Here are the vowel combinations in order:

ㅐ ㅒ ㅔ ㅖ ㅘ ㅙ ㅚ ㅝ ㅞ ㅟ ㅢ

Below is a table for the Korean alphabet in order.

We recommend learning about them in this order:

Basic Consonants




Basic Vowels

VowelsRomanized Spelling

Double Consonants

Double ConsonantsRomanization

Vowel Combinations

VowelsRomanized Spelling
wo or weo

Free Korean Alphabet A to Z Guide

What is a in Korean?

“a” is ㅏ. This is a vowel called 아 (a).

Example: If you wanted to sound out the English word “father” using the Korean script, you’d use ㅏ.

What is b in Korean?

“b” is ㅂ. This is a consonant called 비읍 (bieup).

Example: If you wanted to sound out the English word “bar” using the Korean script, you’d start with ㅂ.

What is c in Korean?

“c” is ㅋ. This is a consonant called 키읔 (kieuk).

Example: If you wanted to sound out the English word “car” using the Korean script, you’d start with ㅋ.

What is d in Korean?

“d” is ㄷ. This is a consonant called 디귿 (digeut)

Example: If you wanted to sound out the English word “door” using the Korean script, you’d start with ㄷ.

What is e in Korean?

“e” is ㅔ. This is a vowel called 에 (e).

Example: If you wanted to sound out the English word “egg” using the Korean script, you’d start with ㅔ.

What is f in Korean?

“f” is ㅍ. This is a consonant called 피읖 (pieup).

Example: If you wanted to sound out the English word “far” using the Korean script, you’d start with ㅍ.

What is g in Korean?

“g” is ㄱ. This is a consonant called 기역 (giyeok).

Example: If you wanted to sound out the English word “gun” using the Korean script, you’d start with ㄱ.

What is h in Korean?

“h” is ㅎ. This is a consonant called 히읕 (hieut).

Example: If you wanted to sound out the English word “hat” using the Korean script, you’d start with ㅎ.

What is i in Korean?

“i” is ㅣ. This is a vowel called 이 (i).

Example: If you wanted to sound out the English word “bee” using the Korean script, you’d use ㅣ.

What is j in Korean?

“j” is ㅈ. This is a consonant called 지읏 (jieut).

Example: If you wanted to sound out the English word “jug” using the Korean script, you’d start with ㅈ.

What is k in Korean?

“k” is ㅋ. This is a consonant called 키읔 (kieuk).

Example: If you wanted to sound out the English word “kite” using the Korean script, you’d start with ㅋ.

What is l in Korean?

“l” is ㄹ. This is a consonant called 리을 (rieul).

Example: If you wanted to sound out the English word “love” using the Korean script, you’d start with ㄹ.

What is m in Korean?

“m” is ㅁ. This is a consonant called 미음 (mieum).

Example: If you wanted to sound out the English word “mail” using the Korean script, you’d start with ㅁ.

Free Korean Alphabet A to Z Guide

What is n in Korean?

“n” is ㄴ. This is a consonant called 니은 (nieun).

Example: If you wanted to sound out the English word “northeast” using the Korean script, you’d start with ㄴ.

What is o in Korean?

“o” is ㅗ. This is a vowel called 오 (o).

Example: If you wanted to sound out the English word “go” using the Korean script, you’d use ㅗ.

What is p in Korean?

“p” is ㅍ. This is a consonant called 피읖 (pieup).

Example: If you wanted to sound out the English word “pop” using the Korean script, you’d start with ㅍ.

What is q in Korean?

“q” is ㅋ. This is a consonant called 키읔 (kieuk).

Example: If you wanted to sound out the English word “queen” using the Korean script, you’d start with ㅋ.

What is r in Korean?

“r” is ㄹ. This is a consonant called 리을 (rieul).

Example: If you wanted to sound out the English word “red” using the Korean script, you’d start with ㄹ.

What is s in Korean?

“s” is ㅅ. This is a consonant called 시옷 (siot).

Example: If you wanted to sound out the English word “seashell” using the Korean script, you’d start with ㅅ.

What is t in Korean?

“t” is ㅌ. This is a consonant called 티읕 (tieut).

Example: If you wanted to sound out the English word “teeth” using the Korean script, you’d start with ㅌ.

What is u in Korean?

“u” is ㅜ. This is a vowel called 우 (u).

Example: If you wanted to sound out the English word “blue” using the Korean script, you’d use ㅜ.

What is v in Korean?

“v” is ㅂ. This is a consonant called 비읍 (bieup). The “v” sound is typically represented with a “b” sound in Korean.

Example: If you wanted to sound out the English word “van” using the Korean script, you’d start with ㅂ.

What is w in Korean?

“w” can be written as a combination of vowels, such as ㅘ (와| wa), ㅝ (워| wo), ㅟ (위| wi), ㅚ, (외| oe), or ㅙ (왜| wae).

Example: If you wanted to sound out the English word “waffle” using the Korean script, you’d start with ㅘ.

What is x in Korean?

“x” is ㅈ (지읒| jieut) or -ㄱ스 (-kseu).

Example: If you wanted to sound out the English word “Xerox” using the Korean script, you’d start with ㅈ and end with -ㄱ스 , like 제록스 (jerokseu).

What is y in Korean?

“y” is ㅣ. This is a vowel called 이 (i).

“y” is usually combined with vowels, creating these syllables:ㅑ (야 | ya), ㅕ (여| yeo), ㅛ (요| yo), or ㅠ (유| yu).

Example: If you wanted to sound out the English word “yacht” using the Korean script, you’d start with 야.

What is z in Korean?

“z” is ㅈ. This is a consonant called 지읒 (jieut). The “z” sound is typically represented by a “j” sound in the Korean language.

Example: If you wanted to sound out the English word “zero” using the Korean script, you’d start with ㅈ.

Free Korean Alphabet A to Z Guide

What to do after learning the Korean Alphabet A to Z

Once you have mastered the Korean characters from A to Z, here are the next steps that you can take:

  1. Korean Alphabet – Learn the associations and read all letters
  2. Korean Alphabet Pronunciation – Learn the correct pronunciation of Korean letters and words
  3. Speak Korean – Start speaking basic Korean


Today, you’ve learned the basics of Hangeul, how to remember them effectively, and how to write English sounds using the Korean script.

Reading and writing Korean words will become a lot easier. You should now be able to recognize these Korean letters as you see them in Korean products, menus, or K-Dramas that you watch.

Remember to use the associations to remember the alphabet sounds instead of the English letters. For example, use “mail” for ㅁ, not “m.”

What questions do you have about the Korean alphabet from A to Z? Let us know in the comments below!

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Korean Alphabet A to Z - How Hangeul sounds like in English (2024)


What is Korean 24 alphabet a to z in English? ›

3. Hangul Chart: Korean Vowels
ㅏ aㅑ yaㅗ o
ㅛ yoㅜ uㅣ i
ㅐ aeㅒ yaeㅘ wa
ㅙ waeㅚ oeㅟ wi
ㅢ ui

How do Korean letters sound? ›

Many of the sounds that are pronounced in Hangul also have the same sounds in English, making it easier to learn. For example, the Korean alphabet character ㄱ is pronounced similarly to the letter “g.” So for simplicity, you can think of the character ㄱ as “g.” It's not an exact 1:1 match, but it's very close!

Does Korean have Z sound? ›

While similar to consonants in English, certain English sounds do not exist in Korean. This is the case for most v, x, z, and th sounds. These are created similarly through other consonants. For example, z becomes ji 지and V becomes beui 브이.

What is ABCD called in Korean? ›

Hangul, alphabetic system used for writing the Korean language. The system, known as Chosŏn muntcha in North Korea, consists of 24 letters (originally 28), including 14 consonants and 10 vowels.

Is Korean or Japanese easier? ›

Our conclusion is that Korean is easier to learn… but only just. As a beginner, we actually think it's easier to learn Japanese. Although learning Hiragana and Katakana can be a little challenging, pronunciation of Japanese is relatively simple and the grammar rules are not too complicated.

Is Korean alphabet hard? ›

The Korean alphabet, Hangul, is relatively easy to memorize, with only 14 consonants and 10 vowels. On the other hand, Japanese has three separate alphabets, and some characters can mean specific terms or words! Additionally, Korean is a non-tonal language.

Is Korean easy to learn? ›

Is Korean hard to learn for English speakers? Learning a language that involves a new writing system and sentence structure (such as Korean) can be challenging for a native English speaker. However, if you set yourself up with the right materials with a learning method you enjoy, it becomes easy.

How is b pronounced in Korean? ›

Bieup (character: ㅂ; Korean: 비읍) is a consonant of the Korean alphabet. The Unicode for ㅂ is U+3142. It indicates a 'b' or 'p' sound, depending on its position. At the beginning and end of a word or syllable it indicates a [p] sound, while after a vowel it designates a [b] sound.

How do you say F in Korean alphabet? ›

Actually, there are no F or V sounds in Korean. In fact, there's no difference between P and F or B and V. Therefore, the P and F sounds are both pronounced as ㅍ[pieup] and B and V as ㅂ[bieup].

How to speak Korean easy words? ›

Basic Phrases
  1. neh. Yes.
  2. ah-nee-oh. No.
  3. jwe-song-ha-ji-mahn. Please.
  4. gahm-sah-hahm-ni-da. Thank you.
  5. chon-mahn-eh-yo. You're welcome.
  6. sil-le-hahm-ni-da. Excuse me.
  7. ahn-nyong-ha-se-yo. Good morning.
  8. ahn-nyong-hee ga-se-yo. Good-bye.

How to learn Korean language easily? ›

However, some effective methods for learning Korean include language immersion through traveling to Korea or creating an immersion environment at home, taking Korean classes or courses, using language learning apps and online resources, watching Korean dramas and movies, listening to Korean music and podcasts, ...

What replaces z in Korean? ›

The Z sound doesn't exist in Korean. Korean speakers tend to replace it with a sound similar to CH as in 'child', or sometimes DJ as in 'judge'. For example, the word 'doesn't' might sound like 'doe-chn't'. At the end of words, Z is devoiced to an S sound, so a word like 'peas' might sound like 'peace'.

Why do Koreans say R instead of L? ›

How do you pronounce the consonant ㄹ[rieul] (r/l)? In Korean, the “l” and “r” sounds come from the same underlying consonant ㄹ. If you put your tongue in between making an “l” and making an “r,” you're almost there.

Is Korean alphabet phonetic? ›

Like most other alphabets, Hangul is phonetic. However, unlike other writing systems, Hangul represents the way that the tongue and lips were shaped when pronouncing their sounds.

What letters are hard for Koreans to pronounce? ›

Zipper, zoo, and zebra are all very common words in English and they have the Z sound. The problem for Koreans is that Z doesn't exist; they often try to replace it with similar sounds like CH as in “chair” or J as in “juice”.

What is f in the Korean alphabet? ›

Actually, there are no F or V sounds in Korean. In fact, there's no difference between P and F or B and V. Therefore, the P and F sounds are both pronounced as ㅍ[pieup] and B and V as ㅂ[bieup].


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Author: Jerrold Considine

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Name: Jerrold Considine

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Introduction: My name is Jerrold Considine, I am a combative, cheerful, encouraging, happy, enthusiastic, funny, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.